Monday, October 18, 2010

CAST Now a Certified Xilinx Alliance Partner

We've always supported both FPGA and ASIC designers, and in fact we were a charter member of the Xilinx AllianceCORE third-party IP program when they started it way back in 1997. 

Today you'll see an announcement from Xilinx about a revitalization of that program, and we're happy CAST is a part of this effort. 

The more stringent requirements for submitting IP to the program mean the cores you find there should perform well and work smoothly with Xilinx devices and technology. As Xilinx writes: 

CAST is a Certified Member of the Xilinx Alliance Program and has demonstrated qualified expertise on the latest Xilinx devices and implementation techniques on Xilinx programmable platforms. As a Certified Member, CAST has gone through a stringent certification process to ensure that our products and services are optimized to streamline customer product development cycles while minimizing risk.

All the cores we offer are available for Xilinx, and about 70 of them are certified for the new Alliance Program so far. That makes CAST the single largest provider of Alliance IP, another example of the extra steps we take to ensure your design success.